Once veneer leaves have been cut and treated, they can be matched together in different orders. The order chosen will dictate the overall effect created. This is commonly done in the production of layons.
There are three main types of matching - slip matching, book matching and random matching.
This method of layon production involves veneer sheets being laid next to each other, with every second sheet turned over to create a mirror image of the previous sheet. This is the most common method used in layon production.
Another method of producing a layon, in slip matching veneer sheets are laid next to each other consecutively with the same face showing outwards on each sheet. This creates a planked effect.
This method is often used if the veneer is to be stained as it ensures the colour remains consistent across the panels of veneer.
In random matching - also known as mixed matching - different veneer sheets are selected and placed next to each other in a random order. This creates a non-homogenous planked look.